Bad Effect of too much Salt

Putting salt in our diet is a way of preserving or putting a taste in our diet. Even dating back to ancient times, salt was used as chronic spices and food processing.

Although getting benefits and also, certainly still have adverse effects if its over. The following are some of the adverse health effects of excessive salt consumption.

1. Swelling (edema) - One of the alarming effects that may be caused by excessive consumption of salt is the swelling of certain body parts due to fluid retention or accumulation of water in some parts of the body. Because the level of salt or sodium in the body will determine if necessary to reduce the water in the body. If too high levels of salt, prevent kidney produce more water in the body and the result is swelling.

2. Loss of body water (Dehydration) - The swelling effect first mentioned would occur only if there is enough water in the body. But if you do not have enough water in the body, and you put more salt in the diet, may also experience the effects of dehydration. It's also because of the effects of excess salt in the body is the suction of water from the cells of the body to generate additional water and balance the level of salt in the body. As a result, you may experience dehydration.

3. High blood pressure - Increasing the blood pressure in the body is one of the known side effects of the consumption of salt. This condition is dangerous especially in experiencing the pain of high blood pressure. This effect is connected to the control of the kidney issue of water from the body. The accumulated water in the body can also interfere with blood eventually raise the pressure. A person with high blood pressure also has high risk of experiencing a stroke or heart attack. Know the foods that should be avoided if you have high blood pressure: Foods with high blood pressure should limit.

4. Osteoporosis - The bone loss of osteoporosis is a common condition experienced by many. Various factors affecting the contribute experiencing it and one of which the excess salt in food. Because due to excessive salt, increasing the levels of calcium released into the urine instead go to seed and encourage it. Worse, it could also reduce the stored calcium in bones due to excess calcium excreted in the urine

5. Kidney stones - Associated with increasing levels of calcium released into the body through the urine, increases the potential for freezing the mineral calcium renal (kidney) and lead to the kidneys (stones) which can clog the urinary tract. This condition is painful and can take root infection or urinary tract UTI.

6. Stomach Cancer - The excessive consumption of salt for a long time will have an adverse effect on the stomach.It's thinning because the lining or surface layer of the stomach protecting against infection. If too thin the lining of the stomach can start the infection of Helicobacter pylori bacteria known to cause disease also stomach ulcers. If untreated, can lead to cancer of the stomach.


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